n.e.t. Soulwinning Ministry

N.E.T. stands for: Navigator Evangelism Team.

Webster’s 1828 defines navigator as “one who directs the course of a ship.”

Our vision is to “cast” the gospel net and “draw” in one lost fish at a time!

This illustration is clearly seen in Acts 8, where Philip climbs up in the chariot (ship) with the eunuch and guides this lost man safely to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Soulwinners are “truth navigators” that guide the lost through the dark murky waters of a lost wicked world to the saving grace found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are enlisting new, excited, and committed potential Navigators for our soulwinning ministry!

Interested recruits should plan to attend the N.E.T. Soulwinning Workshop in April, 2023, exact dates and times to be announced.